American Type Culture Collection

Building Addition and Building BSL3 Laboratory Renovation

American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) is a premier global biological materials resource and standards organization whose mission focuses on the acquisition, authentication, production, preservation, development and distribution of standard reference microorganisms, cell lines and other materials. While maintaining traditional collection materials, ATCC develops high quality products, standards and services to support scientific research and breakthroughs that improve the health of global populations.

RMF provided several engineering services for the ATCC campus including a re-placement of their 4,000 gsf BSL3 laboratory, addition of 1,600 tons of chiller and cooling tower capacity, a 35,000 gsf office addition and finally two (2) 100,000 KW dual fuel generators. 

Size24,000 SF

LocationManassas, Virginia

ServicesMEP Building Engineering

MarketScience & Technology

Fully redundant air handlers, exhaust fans and HEPA filtration systems were part of the new BSL3 lab in order to meet current CDC standards.

Two (2) 800 ton centrifugal chillers were phased in while replacing current 10 year old 400 ton chillers, the addition of the chilled water capacity was installed to meet the projected growth of the ATCC campus while helping eliminate several DX chilled water sources which had become maintenance intensive. The old cooling towers were replaced with stainless steel towers and a new tower sump filtration system which was identified as one the primary failure cause due to the location of the facility.

The 35,000 gsf office addition allowed for the projected growth of the facility and allowed ATCC to integrate several amenities such as work out spaces and cafeteria for their employees.

The two (2) 1 megawatt generators were key in ATCC helping to solidify government grants and retaining international recognition in their repository of scientific specimens.


A preliminary study was provided to determine exact utility requirements for the project.

A comparison of expanding the existing central chiller and boiler plant was compared to the modular chiller / boiler basis of design.

RMF specifically provided a utility study, schematic design, design development, construction documents and construction administration.

Building Addition and Building BSL3 Laboratory RenovationAmerican Type Culture Collection