May 11, 2021
Improving the Patient Experience in Cancer Centers through the MEP Systems Design
An increasing number of hospital systems are building off-site cancer centers to move cancer treatments to outpatient facilities.
Cancer treatment visits are not only much longer than other outpatient facility procedures, but they can also be extremely stressful and emotionally taxing for the patient.
To make cancer treatment sessions far more comfortable for patients, there are many mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) considerations that engineers can include in their designs. Some of the most impactful revisions include temperature control, lighting selections and controls, electrical power locations and emergency power allocations, and MEP system redundancies. In this article for Healthcare Facilities Today, RMF’s Kirstie Nugent and Gregory Johnson walk readers through the various specific design considerations to implement that enhance the patient experience, while keeping building costs low.
Read the full article here.